So here it is: My friday post.
Currently listening to: Jimmy Eat World....Futures....fantastic album I had kind of forgotten about.
Currently Reading: Generation iY, Wilt(biography of Wilt Chamberlain), God and Football(a book about Church and football in SEC country.)
It's been a strange week. Almost every moment that I've been in the office, I've been the only one here. I've accomplished much. The Sex and Dating series beginning Jan. 15th is basically put together, I'm ready for a one-off New Years Resolution message on Sunday, I switched all the Christmas lights back over to regular lights and added some lighting touches to the modular, i read a huge chunk of Generation iY, carried all the stuff we used from the modular Christmas eve and morning back to the modular, made some minor improvements to the modular sound system, and chugged water like it was my job.
We started this diet thing and it's fun to see it actually working because i'm actually trying. And for once it's not about cutting something completely out of my diet(except maybe donuts....i just don't see the justification for eating a donut right now) it's simply portion control. I don't eat nearly as much as I used to and ya know what? I'm not starving. Not at all. And i'm down 15lbs......sweet.
We're leaving for the in-laws on Sunday after church. I don't like the drive, but i always manage to get some relaxation and extra reading in while we're there. It's nice to see everyone there, but nice to get away from here for a few days too. I'm one of those people that struggle because I have trouble leaving the office. I won't ignore my phone if someone from church calls, I insist on checking my work email from home, and given the opportunity, I do some of my best ministry brainstorming at home and won't ignore it when it comes to mind. But when I leave the state, it gets slightly easier. And that's what i need to do this coming week. Refresh, relax, read, and just chill.
And it just occured to me that i wanted to try to get my ipod battery replaced before we left and if I don't leave right now it may not happen. And if they happen to be closed, it won't happen anyway.
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