Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Back....New Ministry.....New Start.....Life Is Good

So i haven't blogged on this blog in a long time.  In fact the last post I made discussed how great things were going in Ironton.  I have removed all of those posts for a new start.  If you don't know me well, I'll explain the reason.  Earlier this year we were presented with an opportunity we could not pass up.  We knew that it was time to move on and find a place to settle and serve for a very long time.  We interviewed at a church in Virginia even though the thought of moving to Virginia had never crossed our minds.  We were blown away.  And several months later, we have now lived in Winchester, VA for 4 months.  I am the Youth Minister at New Life Christian Church here in Winchester and I love the way our lives are going.  We are renting a house from a very good property manager.  When we arrived to move in, the house had been painted the colors we wanted, cleaned thoroughly and really taken care of by members of the congregation.  In addition people brought food and welcome gifts the whole first week so that we could get settled more easily.  We feel at home.  We feel so welcome.  We feel like we are already a part of this wonderful family that is New Life. 

The Youth Ministry is growing, especially for the teens.  In the small modular building we use for Awaken Teen Service due to spacial issues we had 37 people between two services.  We are seriously pushing the limits of that building and will soon have to do something to find more space.  What an amazing problem to have! 

To make a long story short, God has truly blessed us and we cannot imagine being anywhere else.  We have a great home, a great church, great friends, and a great job.  The moral of the story?  God provides.

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