Well it's Friday. And around here that usually means that I'm the only one in the office for the whole day. Our secretary is here in the morning, but for the most part, it's just quiet. Well today was slightly different. The guys(and when I say "the guys" i usually mean Larry and Josh) came in to get haircuts and there were several people cleaning so things were actually quite busy around here this morning. But now it's quiet again. And I'm not teaching this Sunday or next Sunday(my wife is teaching Sunday because the sex and relationships series needed a female perspective and the week after is Youth Sunday) so here I sit being able to do what i need to do beyond this week which doesn't always happen on Fridays. I have some thoughts, but before I do:
Currently Listening To: I listened to Rich Mullins this morning. Can't beat that.
Currently Watching: The Simply Youth Ministry Show live online
Currently Reading: Almost done with Generation iY by Tim Elmore(hopefully finishing today)
Currently Working On: Transitioning from my ministry being birth-12th grade to being 6th-12th grade and the potential for college ministry.
Which brings me to this: I am excited to share that we have hired a part-time Children's Director. She is the perfect choice for the job and has jumped in with both feet. Since I arrived here at New Life it has been difficult for me to try to advance both the children's ministry and teen ministry. As Larry recently put it, it's like trying to serve to masters or trying to be married to two women. I can be real on this blog: The success of the teen ministry(extreme growth) would not have happened if I had tried to split my time, effort, and energy between the two ministry areas equally. I jumped into the teen ministry full-on and basically attempted to make small changes and maintain the Children's Ministry. There simply weren't enough hours in the day. And the biggest issue: Sunday mornings. We have our two teen services running at the same time as our adult services. That means I am never physically in the building for any children's classes because I am teaching the teens. So rather than cutting me in half, we hired someone and it's fantastic to be a part of a church that take's steps of faith instead of retreating. A weight has been lifted from me and I feel like it's given me renewed focus. For these reasons I am so thankful for God's leading in this situation.
But what's the future of the teen ministry? What's the next step? Well the truth is, it's time to start looking at facility options. Because the teen ministry has grown to the point where we need a larger facility with some specific features that would meet our needs and help us grow(i.e. larger worship space, gymnasium, etc.) It's part of my job to dream these sort of dreams and pray for God's guidance as we move forward. This is something I do everyday and look forward to the future both tomorrow, and years from now. God is working through the teens and through everyone at New Life, I believe that's undeniable.
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