Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Weekend in Review 4/29

Awaken Teaching Series:  The Book: What's It About? (week 3 of 8)

Sermon Summary:  "God made everything perfectly, we messed it up, and Jesus fixed it."  Not a bad sentence to sum up the story of the Bible.  And the best part is, that sentence should make us want to know more.  And the only way to know more, is to open the Bible and read.  We talked about the way the Bible teaches us, corrects us, and prepares us.  The closing thought for the week was, "The Bible...it's only useful if it gets used."

Fun Stuff:  A game about famous villains and archenemies from movies, tv, and books gave us quite a few laughs.

Worship Setlists:  1st Service - Everything Glorious, Glory To God, Came To My Rescue
                           2nd Service - One Thing Remains, Like a Lion, Jesus Paid It All

Video Elements:  Showed "The Book" bumper video one last time because we had so many visitors who hadn't seen it.  Also showed a humorous parody video of an ad for the wii fit.

I Won't Soon Forget:  We had to pull out extra chairs and there simply wasn't much extra space second service.  I believe the 38 people in that service are the most we've ever had in that building at once.  It was a little tight.  What a great problem to have!

Up Next:  The Book - The Old Testament (Week 4 of 8)

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