Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Weekend in Review and Other Stuff...

Back to normal should have happened last week after being on vacation for a week, but it didn't really happen.  Maybe this week? 

Here's the weekend in review:
Sunday morning we kicked off our new series "Girls and Boys."  It's a series on relationships adapted from Doug Fields' "Power of Sex" series.  The first message was all about why this matters and some basics on what the world says vs. what God's plan is.  I think it went well and despite what I expected, the awkwardness level was pretty low.  Worship went well in both services.  I couldn't be more excited that we have a band in each service and both are constantly moving toward excellence.  Probably the most memorable element Sunday was Matt's lip sync video of "Never Gonna Give You Up."  We've always had positive response to these videos, so I try to bring them back once a year or so. 

Sunday night at Teen Life Groups we made what I think is our first attempt at having all four groups not only discuss the same topic as each other, but discuss the topic being taught on Sunday morning.  We're using a format where I give each leader 5 questions that directly relate to that morning's message.  It definitely worked for my high school boy's group and we'll see how it goes for the rest of the series. 

This Sunday my wife will be teaching in the Awaken services.  I just didn't think I could be very convincing teaching a message called "What a Girl Wants." 

Currently Listening to: a random 90's Christian music playlist on Spotify....love me some Spotify..
Currently Reading: got a Morf magazine this morning, will probably check that out today sometime.
Currently Working on:  videos for this weekend's Awaken services.

Check out Matt's Lip-Sync from Sunday.


Jim Clark said...

Awkward... and funny! Good job!

Shelley said...

Can't believe my own brother's blog rick-rolled me! Great stuff!